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What To Expect When You Come For Prayer Ministry...

Jesus said that he came to bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, and release the prisoners from darkness (Luke 4, Isaiah 61).  While he made provision for all these things at the cross, many people have suffered such a degree of trauma in their lives, that their pain and brokenness has caused such damage to their emotions and functioning that it take time to rebuild the broken areas and begin to experience this freedom - a bit like Ezra and Nehemiah and the Israelites rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem after their enemies had destroyed them... This trauma may destroy hope and any expectations of good things happening in their lives, it may result in distress and anger being pushed down into the inaccessible parts of the heart, where it is no longer felt or recognised and certainly not expressed: it may result in beliefs about self, others and life, that nothing good will ever happen, and they will never succeed, that the world is a dangerous and evil place, and so they will never even try to find their purpose and destiny that God has planned for them.  This is called Type B trauma.  


There is a second type of trauma, the absence of good safe, secure relationships with primary care-givers, and in some cases, the lack of provision of the necessities of life, where a person has had no trust formed that people will be kind and caring, and that they will obtain what is necessary for life, growth, development and freedom.  These people may say that nothing bad has happened to them, but they have no foundation of good relationships and no basis for faith that life will be happy, successful and fulfilling, and that God cares for them and provides for all their needs (Type A Trauma).

In prayer ministry, a team of two trained prayer ministers will spend up to 2 hours per session, listening to your story, and praying for the freedom and life that Jesus made available at the cross, focussing on repentance, forgiveness, breaking the power of any unwise inner vows made in response to painful situations and experiences, renouncing any covenants with ungodly forces by the person or their ancestors which give access to Satan, or any places where the person has come into agreement with lies, words spoken by others, even curses spoken over their lives, and breaking the generational transmission of ungodly patterns in the family line.

In addition to dealing with the patterns of trauma and brokenness, your prayer ministers will pray for resurrection life in spirit, soul and body, new levels of relationship and intimacy with God, and a new ability to sense his presence with you in all situations.

You may wish to also attend group sessions on Biblical meditation and worship, journaling, building positive relationships with others, and understanding how to receive and pray into any prophetic words over your life.

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