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Opportunities to join the team.

Our vision is to provide a wide range of professional services relating to wholeness of body, should and spirit.  We hope to include areas such as diet, medicine, physio, support groups for various conditions, alternative medicine, dancercise, etc. This would allow for cross-referral and joint programs incorporating the whole person.

Team members would have to work from a Christian Worldview, be practicing members of a Christian Church, and embrace the vision of the centre.

There are 2 ways to be members of the team: to work on a voluntary capacity, in which case, fees would be paid to the centre to cover operating costs, the second way is to operate as a private practice, fees would be set by the practitioner, with a percentage paid to the centre for operating costs.  In either situation, practitioners would join in team activities and professional development.

Anyone with an interest in joining us is invited to contact us and discuss the possibility with our Director.

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